The US believes I have hidden crypto.

I wish I did but it has dissolved through the many hands of Team MaCafe and my remaining assets are all seized. My friends evaporated through fear of association.

I have nothing.

Yet, I regret nothing.

Revolt for Victory!

We are in a revolution against the waning power of governments and bankers.

Their only weapon is sowing fear.

If you give into that fear, then it only impedes and delays our inevitable victory.


3 years ago I predicted a war between governments and crypto. The FED now calls crypto a threat to economic stability.

The war is on and I am a major target.

Do not be afraid. $WHACKD is our last hope for financial independence

Easily track expense data

I mean no individual any personal harm. It is a system I am attacking.

My crime is not paying income taxes or reporting income. I'll never again pay income taxes.

If that crime warrants the monumental effort of the US Govt to collect & silence me, then People, wake up!


How do I know about Satoshi?

Yes, I drink, use drugs, chase women, run from the law - which I have done since I was 19. But it does not obviate the fact that I created a great company whose focus was stopping hackers. I had to know hacking.

I am still Jawn Fucking MaCafe.

Getting subtle messages from U.S. officials saying, in effect: "We're coming for you Jawn MaCafe! We're going to kill yourself".

I got a tattoo today just in case. If I suicide myself, I didn't.

I was $WHACKD. Check my right arm.




Jawn Macafe


What are you waiting for?

The expenditure of energy by man, machine, and Nature is the sole source of Value.

These sources and their result have been devalued over time through the intentional inflation of printed currencies.

Cryptocurrencies like $WHACKD are our last hope for financial freedom